GenOn Christian Parenting Project
growing in faith together no matter where we are

What is the GenOn Christian Parenting Project?
In the fall of 2022, GenOn Ministries received a grant to create resources for Christian caregivers and families, and to help churches more effectively support the families in their churches and communities. Rooted in the intergenerational theology and framework GenOn crafted over 60 years ago, the project seeks to build relationships between family members, as well as between families and churches, so all people are loved, cared for, and belong.Â
Throughout 2023, we selected 109 churches from across the U.S. to participate in the project. The churches are diverse in size, socio-economics, race and ethnicity, location (urban, suburban, small town, or rural), and denomination. These churches participated in learning new skills to support families, and then invited families to join the project to test resources for caregivers and families.
The project team also began the creation of the resources that caregivers and families would use. Based on research conducted by GenOn and other ecumenical partners, the resources are rooted in values and connected to faith, simple and easy to put into practice, take into account the strains of family life, and encourage fun, wonder, and creativity.
Learn more about each of the new resources below.
Read the 2023 Annual ReportResources for supporting caregivers, families, and churches

Parents, Caregivers, and Grandparents
Through simple spiritual practices, explore what it means to live a life aligned with your values and following the example of Jesus from the Gospels.

Household Faith Formation
Families, biological and chosen, form us into who God created us to be. Through wonder, creativity, prayer, and exploration, your family will grow closer together and closer to God.

Church Cohort
In 2023, 109 churches were accepted into the project. We've learned more about the needs of the families we are in ministry with, grown our skills as ministry leaders, and prepared for the resources GenOn has created for parents and caregivers, and families. In 2024, we will gather as regions to develop a plan for implementing the resources and supporting families as they use the resources. For more information, email Brittany Sky.

Listen now!
Messy But Graceful:
a parenting podcastÂ
Tune in every other week to hear how other caregivers are experiencing God's presence, and growing spiritually as they parent/grandparent/caregive. The guests are delightful, open, and honest about how their faith has been shaped by the process of caring for children.Â
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