Nurturing people of all generations into an abundant life-giving relationship with God through Jesus Christ is the most important thing the church does.
Partnering with churches to nurture, grow, and deepen intergenerational Christ-centered community.
Rebuilding the fabric of church communities through intergenerational relationships
GenOn Ministries
GenOn Ministries partners with churches to grow intergenerational community and faith in God through Jesus Christ through:
Training & Workshops
GenOn Training Leaders and Guides help congregations move from where they currently are with intergenerational ministry to where they want to be.
GenOn provides practical resources for implementing intergenerational ministry. Program based, stand-alone gatherings, seasonal, or regular. Options available for individual ministry areas or for multiple ministry areas.
Youth Summit
Annual summer youth conference that is modeled after the early church of Acts 2:42.

- AFFIRMING We affirm that an abundant life-giving relationship with God through Jesus Christ is more important than anything else in life.
- LIVING We seek to live with God as the center and focus of everything we do, following the Bible as our guide and standard.
- PARTNERING We recognize that partnering with the Body of Christ, the church, is essential for excellence in Christian nurture, and that God has called the church of Jesus Christ into being as the primary means of ministry in the world.
- PRACTICING Through our ministry, training, and resources we advocate the study and practice of four vital elements of ministry which originate from Acts 2:42 (teaching, fellowship, breaking bread, and worship), and that through this ministry we are called in a significant way to reach out and minister to people of all generations in and through churches of many denominations.
- SERVING We strive to be accountable as stewards of the gifts God has entrusted to us—time, talent, and treasure—including the gifts for ministry given by God to individuals and congregations, and that money given to GenOn Ministries will go to make a difference in the lives of people of all generations—promoting lifelong commitments to Jesus Christ, the Church, and its mission.
- EQUIPPING We equip adults to do ministry by providing training, consulting, resource materials, and relational support to equip thousands of Christian communities and their leaders so they can nurture people of all generations into a faithful relationship with Jesus Christ.