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Families' Resource Library
Families, biological and chosen, help form us into who God created us to be. Deepen your faith as a family through easy, fun, and meaningful spiritual practices done together.
Get Access to the Library
Just sign up below, and we'll set up an account for your family. You'll get access to 52 weeks of spiritually formative (but easy!) activities.

Connect Your Values to Your Faith
Values guide our choices and help us create meaning as we live. Our values affect our decisions, our relationships, and our understanding of God. Through these resources, we will connect commonly held values to our Christian faith. This will deepen our experiences of God and help us better understand why these values matter so much to us. Check out the FAQs below to see which values we will explore this year!

Families are naturally intergenerational! Intergenerational relationships are mutual, and the gifts each person brings to the community are recognized. We learn best when we feel safe, heard, and accepted. Our activities encourage learning and wondering together and respecting what each person can contribute.

Fun Isn't Antithetical to Spirituality
Have fun together. Make memories. Let go of perfection, expectations of seriousness, and black-and-white thinking. God is a big mystery that humans have been trying to pin down for thousands of years. The process of trying to figure out who God is, where God is at work, and what part we are playing in God's story is the point. Let love, fun, and curiosity guide you. These are the gifts our children naturally bring. They can show all of us the way.
Put your values and your faith into practice as a family
Sign up to access the Families' Resource Library today!