Brittany Sky is interviewed by Christy Lynch

Welcome to Messy but Graceful, a podcast where we explore God, spirituality, caregiving and parenting, and how those things change us, help us grow, and bring us closer to ourselves, our kids, and our God. In this first episode, you'll meet your host, Brittany Sky, and hear her answers to the five questions she asks all of her guests:

  • Tell me a little about yourself.
  • When you think about your personal spiritual journey, what comes to mind?
  • What comes to mind when you think about caring for children?
  • How has caring for children affected your spiritual journey?
  • What advice did you wish you had when you were first raising kids that you know now?

Join her and her BFF, Christy, to hear how she answers these questions, today at least. 

Brittany Sky is a mama, writer, kids pastor, and researcher who loves kids and the adults who care for them. She holds a BA and MA in Christian Education and an MBA for good measure. Brittany is the author of Raising Good People, the Celebrate Wonder Bible Storybook, and the Bible Basics Storybook, and a contributing author to Safer Sanctuaries and the Deep Blue Bible Storybook, and countless curricula. She is the Project Director of the GenOn grant-funded Christian Parenting Project and serves at St. Ann's Episcopal Church. She lives in the land of the Cherokee (Nashville, TN) with her child, Rowan, her dog, Lily, and her two bunnies, Carl and Ellie.